Material design animation
Material design animationmaterial design animation material design animation

TranslationX, translationY, translationZ (API 21+) The ObjectAnimator makes creating Property Animations almost as easy as creating View Animations.Ĭommon properties commonly animated on views include: Property However, in most cases you can use the very versatile ObjectAnimator that uses reflection. At first the usage of the Property Animation System might seem a little complicated. You are not limited by predefined animation types or by the type of object that you want to animate. For this purpose Property Animation is used. This is not possible by using View Animations. Or maybe you want to animate a color change or animate the change of a drawable. Let us take an example, imagine you wanted to animate the 3d rotation using the rotationX or rotationY properties that were introduced in API 11. Property animations allow us to animate any property of any object from one value to another over a specified duration. The Property Animation system is always preferred for more complex animations. Property animations are highly customizable, you can specify the duration, the number of repeats, the type of interpolation, and the frame rate of the animation.

#Material design animation android

This animation was introduced in Android 3.0 (API level 11). The drawback of this mechanism is that it can only be applied to Views. View animation can only animate simple properties like position, size, rotation, and the alpha property that allows you animate the transparency of a View. This can be done in XML resource files or programmatically.Īndroid View animation can make animation on any View objects, such as ImageView, TextView or Button objects. Size, time duration, rotation angle, start value, end value, and perform the required animation on that object.You can execute the animation by specifying transformations on your View. It define the properties of our Views that should be animated using a technique called Tween Animation.It take the following parameters i.e. This is the simplest animation used in Android. 5 Animation Example In Android Studio Showing 14 Types Of Animation:Īndroid Defines Three Types Of Animations:.4 Important XML Animation Attributes In Android:.2 Setting The Animation Listeners (Optional).1 Android Defines Three Types Of Animations:.

Material design animation